Meet Martin Johnson
Even after growing up in the church, when I was younger, I always thought of God as a being somewhere out there in the cosmos. A distant and almost mythical being. In college after walking away from my faith, I sensed something here.One night after drinking with some friends, I wandered to an alley park and climbed a tree to look out into the cosmos and have a talk with God. I was ready to come home and leave my selfish ways behind.
A few months later I was given an escape. I was involved in a serious car accident that cost me 30% of my brain. After recovering, I began to realize that God isn’t far away after all. I still go to the park from time to time to pray; the tree is no longer there, but God is.
I should not have been surprised, the prophet Moses tells us at one point God walked alongside man in the garden (Genesis 3:6-8)—the Creator was enjoying His creation and He left his mark on everything He touched here on this planet, not somewhere out in the cosmos.
If we slow down, disconnect from our gadgets, and forget about our selfish wants, we can see the fingerprints of God in the simple moments and simple things of life. Nearly losing my life and becoming legally blind helped me to see God in the circumstances and my surroundings.
Interested in learning what I learned? Take the time to explore my website to learn more about me and what shapes my faith. Hopefully, in the future, you can come here to find my nonfiction books and trailers for my inspirational movies. But for now, slow down, check out my blog or get to know me on one of my social media pages. I encourage you to live a deeper faith experience.
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