Recently, I took my first bike ride to the lake of this year. I haven’t gone this year because the area was still heavily damaged from Hurricane Helene. I was pleasantly surprised when I arrived at the area lake to see most of the fallen trees had been removed and cleared out.
For the first time since last fall, I was able to bike all the way into the recreation area where I usually stop to eat a mid-ride snack and pray and listen to God. Since that part of the park is still officially closed, I was able to sit in silence, soak up the sun and listen to God through His creation, and see through God’s eyes.
As much as I enjoyed being there by myself, I still felt out of place because the area looked so different. Most of the thick trees that offered shade and respite from the elements had been taken out by Hurricane Helene.
The few trees still standing weren’t the biggest, and most were near the water’s edge. Yet these fighters of nature were standing firm.
Most of you know my favorite Scripture and why I cherish 1 Corinthians 16:13. It was the first verse I learned after my accident and it was also the focus verse for the very first Promise Keepers men’s conference I attended together with my mentor and my father.
At first it encouraged me about walking again and enjoying life. For almost 30 years the Scripture has encouraged me whenever I feel pain or weak in the faith and I start prayin. However, this year it has given me purpose and hope that my life and faith have a purpose.
So far 2025 has been a difficult year of change and struggles in my faith. Diving into a new area of the craft of writing and trying to advance the quality of my video editing skills and my YouTube channel have challenged and inspired me.
I have also had disagreements with family, friends, and loved ones over spiritual and political differences. As a result, I have felt the need to step away from a lot of connections and let God do His will with them.
Some have chosen to leave my life and that is their choice, others have proven their love and friendship to me are stronger than their devotion to a political party or a politician. To be honest I have never been so ashamed to be a Christian like now and as one, even I don’t want to be around many Christians today.
While it is hard not to grieve those lost relationships, I am once again reminded that Jesus was betrayed by His friends who also chose earthly power and greatness over their love for Him and the things of God. Lord, you are my hiding place among the chaos and deception of this world.
Jesus taught His Disciples about the tough choice they had to make to follow Him completely (Matthew 4:19 8:18-22; 19:21, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23; 10:3; 14:27-33.) Total commitment is how you know somebody loves you.
Jesus explained to His followers that their love for Him must be greater than their love for anyone else, even their own family (Matthew 10:37, Luke 14:26.) Once we come to Jesus we belong to the family of God and not of the world (John 15:19; 18:36.)
Starting with the first Disciples He called us to abandon all for God’s purposes (Matthew 10:29-30; 19:29.) They walked away from everything and changed the world instead of being like it. Jesus promised that if He suffered in this world, then those who follow Him would also (Matthew 5:10-12; 10:22.)
Too many believers have a romanticized and unhealthy faith. They come to Jesus to get what they want: dreams, earthly pleasures, fame, and greatness. They expect God to bow to their wants and desires instead of denying themselves and submitting to God’s will that His Kingdom come (Matthew 6:33; 26:39.)
They have set their hearts and minds on an earthly kingdom instead of things above (Matthew 6:20, Romans 8:5, Colossians 3:1-2.) They’ve forgotten that Jesus made it clear, not everyone who calls Him Lord will enter the Kingdom of heaven (Matthew 7:21.)
Another one of my favorite verses is where Jesus said His sheep know His voice and will run from another shepherd (John 10:27.) Sheep always follow the Shepherd, not the hired hand.
Jesus also warned us that in the last days, there would be false teachers and false prophets who will sneak into the flock and deceive God’s people (Matthew 24:24.) And let me be clear the Word of God is infallible, it says God’s people will be led astray, it will happen.
These people aren’t of God because they focus on earthly greatness and temporary happiness. They do the works of the devil by promising God’s people an earthly kingdom (Matthew 4:1-11.) Jesus and the New Testament authors give us advance notice to help make sure we don’t fall for these leading God’s people astray like sheep one day (2 Corinthians 11:13-15, 2 Timothy 4:3-4, 2 Peter 2:1-3.)
As I rode through park onto the back roads home on my bike ride, I noticed a lot of trees falling or leaning on other trees, they weren’t standing firm and they weren’t completely fallen. The possibility and the danger of hitting the ground are inevitable unless they catch these hands of God.
I also noticed a lot of the roads were full of potholes and the asphalt was destroyed. The roads were fine the last time I biked that course a couple of months ago. When I asked a local Commissioner, he shared that the logging and FEMA trucks are so heavy; they are destroying the aging roads.
The very thing being used to clean up the debris was causing more destruction in the community I live in. That is another biblical truth I realized about standing firm. As you look at all of the destruction, you feel it in your soul that this world is quickly fading. The Apostle Paul warned the early church to be careful about believing they are standing firm, lest they too will fall (1 Corinthians 10:12.)
We forget that sometimes strength becomes a weakness and vice versa. God takes weakness and turns into strength in His Kingdom, He humbles those who are strong and proud. I’ll be the first to say that I am not the smartest or wealthiest, but I have learned not to lean upon my own understanding or follow the ways of this world. God promises to use the foolishness of this world to shame the wise (1 Corinthians 1:27.)
Jesus warned that the things we put our hope and security in, in the last days will fail us as family and brothers betray one another (Matthew 10:21-23.) God’s people also need to be careful if they think they are standing firm!