Lately, there’s been a lot of debate and fuss about climate change. Mankind has always tried to learn about nature, instead of learning from nature. Creation itself speaks for God’s glory.
Pikes Peak/mountains
The prophet Moses tells us in the beginning God created everything and it was perfect (Genesis 1:1-22). The heavens and oceans are all the foundation of God’s creation. The Spirit of God was in the air (Genesis 1:2).
All of the prophets learned from creation. The prophet Elijah hid in a cave on Holy Mount Horeb where God spoke to him (1 Kings 19:9). Later God would feed him by ravens He controlled in the wilderness.
Prophet Obadiah hid 100 prophets in higher caves to save them (1 Kings 18:4). True prophets weren’t rich, they were humble servants of God that lived in the wilderness—many of the great prophets were shepherds whom God spoke to through creation, God’s great dance floor.
David is one of the most popular prophets in Judaism. He grew up on a farm and was poor, but not afraid of God’s creation. He was a shepherd like his father, as the youngest child, David spent a lot of time out in the fields with the sheep and learning from creation.
It’s no wonder why he talks about creation so much in the book of Psalms. David was alone with God and God spoke to him through his creation. From David’s lineage came Jesus, who described Himself as The Good Shepherd (John 10:11-14).
Jesus also used God’s creation to teach His followers about God (Matthew 6:28-29, Mark 4:36-41). God is the creator of everything in the universe. It’s no wonder God spoke to His people through creation.
Savannah River.
The Apostle Paul taught that we can see God’s divine attributes in His creation with our eyes open (Romans 1:20). Nature is one of the purest ways God speaks to His people. Personally, I can attest to hearing God’s inaudible voice whenever I’m outside
Regardless if I’m biking, hiking, or simply walking; God always finds a way to get my attention and reveal things to me, because I need You, God. We often look for God in the extraordinary things of life, when He is easily heard in the ordinary moments of life!
I recently interviewed a blueberry farmer in New Jersey for a Christian magazine; he too shared how God often reveals Himself to the farmer out in the fields. It is hard to miss God in nature.
Lake L:ure from Chimney Rock, N.C.
We can even see creation’s longing for God in the eyes of animals that run wild. Even creation knows the world isn’t right anymore, amen. All creation is under the curse because of the first Adam’s sin in the garden.
The second Adam said even the rocks of the earth cry out to God’s authority (Luke 18:37-41). This world is going to end because it is under God’s control.
Savannah Rapids
God created the earth and one day only He will destroy it. The Bible is clear this world will be burnt up (Psalm 75:2-3, Jeremiah 7:18- 20, 2 Peter 3:11- 12). We cannot save the earth from being destroyed by fire, there’s no turning back.
Camping under the stars
This world is full of chaos and evil, it will only get worse before God redeems it through fire; because we’ve gone into the deep end of sin. When Jesus returns, He will redeem everything and make it new.
God’s voice can be heard by all if they choose to listen because God is talking to us in many ways and not just the Spirit. We don’t get to tell God what to do or choose what we want to obey. The Bible calls disobedience sin.
What is God telling you to do for his Kingdom? It is because of sin everything will burn up, however, God is still creating and there will be a new creation (Isaiah 65:17, Revelation 21:1- 4.)
God has spoken to me often through creation, especially animals. My cats have been lessons on many occasions.
I feel closest to God when I”m in nature. Creation does, indeed, speak. Great post.
I try to spend as much time as possible out in God’s creation so I can enjoy it
When we consider the works of God’s hand, how can we possibly withhold praise? He is worthy!