On Easter, I celebrated the 27th anniversary of the accident that changed my life forever and it is way better than before. I have now lived over half of my life with a brain injury. This Easter I had time to reflect on my former life and the events that led up to my accident.
Twenty-seven years ago March 31 was Easter also, back then I had walked away from my Christian faith. After spending the day carelessly living for myself, I remembered April fools was my mother’s birthday and I headed to a bookstore to pick up a birthday card.
My next memory was waking up in a local ICU hooked up to all kinds of machines while my friends and family surrounded my bed. My parents told me, “You’re going to be okay.” Not only did I miss Easter, I missed my mother’s birthday and the rest of my college education.
During those days and months God had me immobilized I had time to think and reflect on how foolish I had been. Sure, I was following my heart’s desire to major in english in college and successfully working in the manufacturing industry.
But inwardly, I was rotting away while pursuing earthly pleasures and success. Now I understand why the Bible says the wisdom of the world is foolishness to God (1 Corinthians 3:19.) I bought the big lie of Satan and earthly greatness and I was happy.
JESUS taught it is foolish to gain the whole world, yet forfeit our souls (Matthew 16:26.) That’s why the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing (1 Corinthians 1:18.) Only God can save our souls, Satan will satisfy our foolish hearts and dreams!
Ever since the fall in the garden, man’s heart has been tainted by sin and sin causes us to live foolishly. God Himself said our hearts are wicked (Genesis 6:5.) The wickedness of our hearts has tainted and corrupted our vision.
Sin blurs the line between our wants and our needs. We can live without our wants, but God really knows what we need. That is why King Solomon urged us to be satisfied with what we have because that is better than a burning wish (Ecclesiastes 6:9.)
However, this fallen world will offer us whatever we want. Consumerism tells us that new and more are better than being satisfied, no thank you! Satan decieved Eve in the garden by telling her more would satisfy her desires. Satan uses deception to satisfy our hearts and sever our souls for temporary desires.
Desire is often associated with sex, but it can apply to anything we really want or like, count me in; and just like with sex whenever we desire something too much, it can become bad. Love becomes lust, and want becomes greed.
There is a fine line between the desires of God and the desires of our foolish hearts. Many people have unwittingly crossed it (Psalm 37:4-5, Isaiah 55:8-9, James 1:13-15.) God grants Godly desires; satan tempts us with selfish desires. This is why the psalmist cried out for God to give him a new heart; we cannot put our confidence into our selfish hearts (Psalm 51:10-12.)
Desire can cause us to foolishly cross the line between good and evil. But the wisdom of Scripture says it doesn’t have to (James 1:15.) Before my accident, I lived foolishly like the world; I needed God to rescue me. I rationalized my foolish desires and viewed them as needs I wanted God to give me a sign He would do what I wanted.
“Needs” are what we cannot live without. We need healthy hearts to live better lives. There are a few necessities needed to live, everything else is a want. God gave everything Adam and Eve needed to live, even their breath and their lungs. Today our needs are met in Christ alone (John 6:35, Philippians 4:6-7.)
God promises to take care of His people and their needs, we are not forgotten (Psalm 23, Isaiah 41:10, Matthew 6:31-32, Philippians 4:19.) However, today many people foolishly twist God’s promise to give them everything they want in this life.
It is a lie straight out of hell and the garden to believe we know better than God about what we need. Adam and Eve believed Satan’s lie and wanted more than what they needed (Genesis 3:1-24.)
Humanity fell because mankind bought the lie and ate the apple they didn’t need, it’s crazy. While working on this post, my cell phone died and I needed to buy a new one. I never realized how much I needed a phone to work, communicate, and exercise better.
The salesperson assures me that buying the newest Apple phone was the best route, as a minimalist I am anti-Apple products and I understand that I have a foolish heart!