Paul says the Holy Spirit is a “seal” of a genuine believer (Ephesians 1:13.) The Holy Spirit fulfilled Jesus’ prophecy of sending a Comforter. However, in the South where I live the Holy Spirit has been played like a sick monster. When I returned to the church I was told I was truly saved only if “gifts” of the Spirit manifested in speaking in tongues or visions. If I didn’t experience these, then I wasn’t saved.
Recently, I attended a writer’s conference to raise my knowledge about writing and pitch my books to agents. I knew who I wanted to pitch to and had my pitch practiced.
Yes, I am a planner. However, the agent I had hoped to talk with was booked, I still hoped to talk with another agent. I didn’t find a sign-up sheet and learned she wasn’t able to attend the conference. Inside I was crying because I knew I wasn’t getting what I wanted.
So, I took a deep breath and headed back to my room to pout in private all night, after I closed my room door, I sensed God say through the Holy Spirit He had another plan. After a quick prayer, I headed back down to the sign-up tables and located the table of a possible agent to talk with.
By then, her appointment times were taken. In frustration, I turned around to head back to my room, and then that still small voice reminded me that I could sit with her during meals.
God redirected me to the dining hall where I sat at her table. When she arrived, I introduced myself and began a conversation about my book.
Later, I shared about my brain injury, I saw her excitement go to new levels. She shared her son-in-law had suffered a traumatic brain injury.
After we finished eating, I asked to give her my business card and book information, her kind smile said more than anything. But she took my card and told me to send her my book proposal.
As I walked away I was overwhelmed with gratitude God led me by His Holy Spirit to her. I couldn’t think of a better person for me to work with than someone who understood both my beliefs and my disability. Only God knows what is best for us, this is why believers must heed the voice of the Holy Spirit if we want Him to get the glory.
Holy Spirit!
The Holy Spirit’s role is an integral one.
Paul says the Holy Spirit is a “seal” of a genuine believer (Ephesians 1:13.) The Holy Spirit fulfilled Jesus’ prophecy of sending a Comforter.
However, in the South where I live the Holy Spirit has been played like a sick monster. When I returned to the church I was told I was truly saved only if “gifts” of the Spirit manifested in speaking in tongues or visions. If I didn’t experience these, then I wasn’t saved.
If we believe the Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity, then we can’t manipulate Him at will to perform like a puppet. God is God and He does what He wants when He chooses; like the Spirit over the water (Genesis 1:2.) He is the same today as yesturday, He just works differently.
Not to mention, Jesus promised the Comforter would guide us like a compass. A compass works by its power in response to the earth, it cannot be tampered with, or we’ll be so far gone.
This leads me to the conservative views on the Holy Spirit, many deny its existence. Lack of understanding about the Holy Spirit, comes from confusion and confusion does not come from God, Confusion is Satan’s way of misleading and isolating God’s people.
God’s indwelling Spirit is one of the clearest ways God grows His children. Sometimes comforting us in the storms, everything is gonna be alright; while other times convicting us of sin in our lives.
I often share the story with other men about how I foolishly put myself in an unwise position with my first girlfriend after my accident, the conviction of the Holy Spirit was so loud, it was the closest I’ve come to hearing the audible voice of God—which is how God spoke to the prophets.
Since that night, I haven’t forgotten the voice of the Holy Spirit, it has changed my lifestyle. I have learned to discern between it and other spirits. Just like in Jesus’ time, there were other Jesuses and rabbis, there were other spirits that tried to lead God’s people; these spirits led God’s people away from Him.
The Difference!
There are many spirits in the world: demonic spirits, spirits of division and the spirit of self. Ironically, each can also bring us comfort. But they aren’t of God. I spent six years of my life following other spirits, since that fateful night with my old girlfriend, I have learned to run from them and follow the voice of God. Who knows where I’d be without you leading me, God.
This is why our Rabbi described Himself as the Good Shepherd (John 10:9-12.) He has led me away from dangerous spirits and will fight for me. He does this through conviction and peace. When we’re going the wrong way, conviction sets in and will helps us make the right choice and gives us peace.
However, this doesn’t mean that just because we feel good that we are listening to the voice of God, we must know the difference between God’s voice and others. Remember at Pentecost the Spirit was coming in hot and took Christianity to another level.
The difference is the Holy Spirit always aligns with the everlasting Word of God and cannot be manipulated to suit our selfish desire to be somebody. This was the warning through Israel’s true prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 23:33-37.)
Today there are false prophets who only prophesy lies to make God’s people happy instead of holy. If we are truly different people, then we can’t live like the zombies of the world.
Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would lead us into all truth; if the only voice you listen to always makes you happy, then you aren’t led by the Holy Spirit (Galatians 4:6.)
Wonderful conference story. That’s how we see God’s hand even when we’re discouraged.
This goes along with a book I’ve been reading by Andrew Murray about baptism of fire and the work of the Holy Spirit in our spiritual lives. I have had to curb my inner, and possibly outer, pouting this week. The Spirit reminded me to focus on the good and trust His timing.
As a fellow aspiring writer, thanks for the reminder that God leads and I follow. Always works best that way…His way.