I fear that the modern church has followed the same path of our Jewish forefathers, biblical knowledge isn't the purpose of Christianity; knowledge in and of itself is useless without its application. Everyone wants to be a church leader, but far too little are willing to be Christian servants.
A couple of months ago I went to the doctor for some x-rays. The results showed that I have mild arthritis in my right shoulder and fluid on my right knee, both of which are from overusing my right side to compensate for the lack of feeling on my left side; I was doin’ too much.
The ailments are also a sign I needed to rest more. During the slow time, I realized I had become prideful about my physical abilities and good health. More often than not, success goes to my head when it comes my way. Actually, just the thought of success or promise of it can give us egos. Our evil and sinful nature causes us to become puffed up (Jeremiah 17:9, Galatians 5:16-17).
One of my biggest fears as a Christian is becoming puffed up with pride. The reason why I worry about this is because I know how easily pride can blind us from the truth. I experienced it in my younger days when I left the faith altogether, although God was faithful to never leave me; you can feel it in your heart.
It took my accident for God to finally humble me and get His lost child back on the right path. Even while I was living in sin, I still remembered Scripture condemning how I was living, but refused to change. Why should I? I was enjoying life, had a good job, and was in college getting an education.
Now those things weren’t bad in and of themselves, but they blinded me to the truth of my condition when I was chasing dreams. Knowledge is good, but sometimes the pursuit of knowledge and the hoarding of it can be fatal. True spiritual maturity is more than just the acquiring of knowledge, it is knowledge lived out in our lives every second of every day.
Knowledge was and still is a big deal within the Jewish community; the Jewish Pharisees were the embodiment of this knowledge. Even with the entire Old Testament memorized, they failed to understand how God works and apply His ways to their lives. Their pride had blinded them.
The very teachings of Jewish tradition were their downfall. Today, Jewish Haskalah or enlightenment still keeps most Jews from viewing Jesus as the Messiah. Jesus doesn’t fit into their teaching; He came to change the game, not to fulfill their wishlist of worldly power and domination. If God is truly Sovereign, then no mortal man is unstoppable. Mature believers know God doesn’t always say yes.
I fear that the modern church has followed the same path of our Jewish forefathers, biblical knowledge isn’t the purpose of Christianity; knowledge in and of itself is useless without its application. Everyone wants to be a church leader, but far too little are willing to be Christian servants.
The modern church has become fascinated with earthly greatness because of its connection to a big God. The past two years have shined a light on this ugly truth. I often hear friends and even my own church family say, “I’ve done the research and I know I have nothing to fear about Covid-19. Perhaps they forget we are to fear God and not put Him to the test (Proverbs 1:7, Deuteronomy 6:16, Matthew 4:7). In fact fearing God is actually the beginning of knowledge, a higher knowledge.
Christian pride is an oxymoron and even unchristian, this is why we need God’s amazing grace. True believers never show off their faith or Bible knowledge. Jesus actually challenged the traditions of Jewish teachings when He condemned the Pharisees for failing to obey the law themselves (Matthew 23:13, Luke 11:52). Jesus taught another perspective on Godly living.
Jesus was more interested in heart change and changed lives than head knowledge. His ways weren’t the ways of this world (John 18:36). When He challenged His followers to deny themselves, many turned away (John 6:56-66). However, God still loves us, this is amazing grace.
However, not much has changed today, this is why many believers and the entire so-called conservative party have chosen to support a worldly monster who had an affair with a stripper, preached greed and earthly greatness; admitted lying to America and divided a country, and incited a riot just because he didn’t win. A far cry from the sacrificial example our Rabbi gave us 2000 years ago, He understood success and knowledge only leaves us puffed up (Romans 11:21-31, 1 Corinthians 4: 18)!
Pride can slip in so fast. Thank you for the reminder.
That’s very good point